Hello, my name is Luca Jung and I am 14 years old.
At the age of 11 years I discovered Martin Garrix on YouTube.
I was fascinated by his music and performances as a DJ.
His music inspired me so much that I wanted to try to create my own music.
However, the beginning without any equipment was difficult to implement music but was satisfied using the well-known software GarageBand on the Mac OSX.
There, I could inform myself and start my first attempts in creating music.
As my passion for music grew, my mother wanted to promote my passion as a DJ and music producer and bought me my first controller. "Pioneer DDJ-SB" as well the software "Ableton Live 9 Suite."
A year later when I was 12 years old, I was able to convince my mother that music was my dream and that I wanted to pursue my dream for music.
To promote me further, my mother searched the Internet for a DJ school and came across the "Soulfoundation" in Lucerne, Switzerland.
Since October 2015 I am an active member of
Since then, my life and sense of music has changed greatly. The DJ school of music encourages me to do well and so far I have been learning and profiting a lot.
My first step as a DJ and music producer achieved good success.
My first performance as a DJ was at the "Glücklich Festival 2016" in Lucerne.
Since then, further performances have taken place such as in bars LUGA, ice fields, schools and at private places.