
4nzek *

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A genre-alchemist working to bring something new to the edm/bass scene...or to bring the genre to places it's never been via the production of "deep hybrids".

**Signs with SpacedOut Studios Entertainment LLC

**All music available for download wherever music is sold online

Contact: michaelphilip667@gmail.com

All Platforms: https://ffm.bio/bnaodxd?fbclid=IwAR2LMBAxFrVJ7_Flh-kVBNdpp18Coe5G8UKFNwt-3q6RTBA9gsxZnzHRROY

As a producer, showcasing your creativity with your production can be incredibly tough. However, one producer that does not struggle with this task is 4nzek. With each and every upload, the American producer diversifies himself by releasing tracks under multiple genres including dubstep, progressive house, electro house, and trap. With this vast array of genres can come a somewhat random lineup of tracks but what 4nzek does is he showcases each style immensely well with a signature sound that can be found in each and every release.

-Dylan Smith of EDMHouse Network

Showcasing his innovative production style, 4nzek has released more than forty multi-genre tracks averaging about 9-minutes long each that incorporate multiple electronic dance music styles including trap, electro house, dubstep, and progressive house. 4nzek seamlessly transitions between each style as if it were a DJ mix. With powerful deep bass lines, electro-infused synths and uplifting melodies throughout, 4nzek's music is consistently diverse and unpredictable.

Hello friends, fans, and NPC's,

In my own words, I produce mixed-genre "edm" that is probably more amenable to rocking out than it is to dancing, or I try to anyways. I have taken a liking to simply calling it "melodic bass music" or more recently as "narrative edm" (I realize that 'edm' isn't a hip label, but it sure is descriptive, which ultimately matters more despite its commercial origin). Whatever you wanna call it, I try to provide a compelling journey through sound :)

4nzek is a project I began in the spring of 2019--sort of by accident when my sadboi beats began to cross-contaminate with my attempts to infuse bass music with progressive rock and post hardcore sensibilities. I kinda liked where things started going aesthetically so I've decided to go all in with it! I hope you enjoy!

HMU if you're looking to collaborate, if you want promo, or just to chat--though I do tend to keep myself pretty busy.

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