Is repost trader secure?
100% secure! Powered by the great team at W. A. Production, we make sure Repost Trader functions as safe and secure as possible!
Do i have to repost the tracks manually, or will repost trader do it automatically?
That’s the beauty of it, Repost Trader will do it automatically! Saves a ton of time and hassle.
What exactly is a campaign?
A campaign is a feature that is used to host a repost request. It allows you to search for any user and see their rate for a repost as well as create your own rate per repost. You are also able to see the amount followers each users has to determine who you want to chose who you want to work with!
What kind of content is allowed to be reposted?
Anything you want to be reposted can be reposted!
What if the user who reposts my track un-reposts it?
If that issue ever happens, the buyer can report the user responsible and we will ban them.
Is there a limit to how many reposts I can do per day?
Yes! The maximum reposts per day is 6!
Am I able to choose my own genres when creating a Campaign?
Yes! You can create a Campaign circled around a genre or multiple genres. If you are seeking a repost, you can search for Campaigns that are into reposting a certain genre or genres!
How do you guys control accounts with fake followers?
If you notice the account that reposted your track has fake followers, you can file a report to us and we will figure out if they indeed do have fake followers, we will ban them. We also have our own algorhytms, that are constantly controlling accounts and fake followers.
What will happen if the other channel won’t accept my repost request?
Easy, we will absolutely refund your coins back to your wallet!
What would happen if I close my Campaign?
In that case, you will get their remaining coins put back into your wallet.
How does the Buy Repost section work?
To put it briefly, the Buy Repost section is where you can see available campaigns and choose which one you would like to use. You can search for campaigns by Follower Amount, Oldest to Latest and by Genre.
How does the Repost Song Section work?
The Repost Songs section is where you would go to find songs that people are wanting reposted. If you have enough coins to Repost it, then you would be able to accept it. You can filter songs by Genre by Highest or Lowest Budget or Oldest to Latest date.
How do I create a Campaign?
>Located in the Repost Songs section, you can create a Campaign by click the “New Campaign” button. The minimum amount of coins you need to create a campaign is 50.